From fashion editorials to beauty headshots to advertising campaigns, Peter has an impressively well-rounded portfolio to boast.
How did you arrive at your career in photography?
In high school when I decided that maybe my hobby could be a career.
Do you consider yourself an "expert" on beauty?
Yes, I know a hot, chic girl when I see one for sure. Unless I'm drunk--then my expertise is not so great.
The most beautiful quality in a person?
Do you have a favorite client?
My favorite client is one who has good taste, vision, and a passion to make that vision happen. Oh, yeah...and one who pays a lot of money.
Most important skill for a photographer:
Being able to wake up in the morning.
Your most treasured possession?
My sailboat.
Your most overused phrase on a shoot?
"It's amazing."
The best color to make a statement?
Favorite time of day?
Your happiest place?
At anchor on my boat in a cove at sunset.
Worst part of a photo shoot:
The first shot.
Motto that keeps you going:
"You're only as good as your last photo."
Models or mortals?
I want a boat. And a hot photographer boyfriend. Make it happen? :)