a professional funologist!” exclaims Jessica Hammer, a PhD candidate in
cognitive studies at Columbia University, when describing her career.
Jessica develops games that help to change the way people think in
order to overcome cognitive challenges and addictions. If you thought
quitting smoking, exercising more, or managing anger had to be a
painful process, Jessica hopes to prove you wrong. As a member of
Columbia University’s Teachers College EGGPLANT Game Research Laboratory, and of
the Creativity, Cognition and Learning research group, Jessica has
presented her work at academically distinguished meetings in the US and
internationally. Prior to her time at Columbia, Jessica was a
consultant and game designer, with a focus on serious games and social
software. After graduating from Harvard University with a BA in
Computer Science, she went on to earn her masters degree in Interactive
Telecommunications from NYU. Jessica has since created the game design
course sequence at Teachers College, which has turned out students who
have produced award-winning games. If Jessica doesn’t seem busy enough
to you already, you should know that in her free time she runs an
experimental storytelling group in New York City.
Jessica’s help, people will be able to change their lives by tackling
the hardest issues in the most fun ways possible. Get ready to play the
game of LIFE-- literally.
Describe your day to day activities:
read academic articles in half-a-dozen fields and figure out how they
might apply to game design. I play a lot of games—some enjoyable, some
really terrible!—and analyze how they function. I watch people play
games while taking notes on their behavior (sometimes I hook them up to
machines, too). Then I use all that knowledge to design and program
games of my own, ones that help me ask interesting research questions
and are still fun to play!
Explain your career path thus far:
a kid, I designed games to play with my friends at birthday parties. I
read everything I can get my hands on. I’ve had some fantastic mentors,
students and colleagues. Presto! A career!
The best perk of your career?
secret underground lair, stocked with games of all sorts that I am
professionally obligated to play. This is also known as a game research
Define a “funologist”:
who hunts down the elusive beast of playful experience - then pins it
to a board, cuts it open, and gets elbow-deep in the guts of how it
What is your idea of fun?
Improvisation. Solving a hard problem. Singing at the top of my lungs.
Why do games work to change people's lives?
no one answer to that question, but recently I’ve been thinking about
how games can help with the New Year’s Resolution problem. Many of the
things people want to do have short-term costs and long-term rewards,
like quitting smoking, or exercising more, or managing anger. When
you’re faced with an actual choice, though, those long-term rewards
seem awfully far away. You pick up the cigarette, or skip the gym, or
lose your temper. Games can help refocus your attention on the moment,
both by making the right decision a more pleasant one and by giving you
some short-term rewards to keep you going.
What inspires you to create a game?
What is “experimental story-telling”?
want to understand the impact of new technologies and new ideas on how
people make and consume stories. In practice, this means trying a whole
lot of different things, from multi-media theater to role-playing games
to smartphone-enabled improvisation, and then thinking carefully about
what worked and what didn’t.
Your greatest accomplishment:
my students go on to achieve amazing things. For example, a group of my
game design students won a grant to develop their final project from my
class. Then they turned around and hired me as their game design
consultant. I can’t think of a higher compliment as a teacher, or as a
game designer!
Your real-life hero:
father, Michael Hammer. On a personal level, he taught me to be
curious, intellectually eclectic, compassionate, skeptical and
determined. He believed that everyone needed meaningful work in their
lives, and he always encouraged me to find mine. On a professional
level, his work on business has been surprisingly useful to me as a
game designer. For example, the chapter on company metrics in his last
book could be called “Feedback Mechanics 101.” He died in 2008, but he
still inspires me every day.
When or where are you happiest?
Right now.
What makes you laugh?
My husband.
How do you spend your evenings?
block out at least two hours a night for screen-free thinking and
reading. It’s a good way to make sure I stay intellectually engaged and
active beyond the world of games, and makes me a better designer to
Most fun place in NYC:
My house. It’s full of games and books and fascinating people and pie. Everyone likes pie.
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