know Stacy has the formula right when her humorous, smart, and often
sarcastic writing makes both tweens and adults laugh in unison.
What directs your career path?
The desire to tell a story that will make people laugh and think.
The highlight of your career thus far?
a producer, having my first film premiere at Sundance Film Festival to
sold out audiences and then open at multi-plexes throughout the U.S. As
a writer, selling the first movie I ever wrote to Twentieth Century Fox
and seeing my first novel on the shelf at Barnes and Noble. That being
said, I’m a "glass half-empty" kind
of girl, so mostly the lows come to mind..like the fact that my
daughter hated my most recent film, Labor Pains, and asked me not to
mention it in front of her friends.
Do you remember the first thing you ever wrote?
really off-the-wall short story in ninth grade. It was so bizarre that
my English teacher told me I’d never be a writer. Guess I got the last
laugh. Or maybe she did, depending on what she thinks of my work.
What phrase or word do you most overuse?
“You know?” or “do you know what I mean?” I guess I’m feeling constantly misunderstood.
What is your biggest grammar pet-peeve?
People using “who” instead of “whom” and my daughter constantly saying “Me and Lily went to…” instead of “Lily and I.”
Describe the “tween” demographic in one sentence.
Eleven going on thirty.
What captures their interest?
are at a great age. They’re open to everything and anything,
fiction-wise. They can roll with magic, romance, comedy, adventure.
It’s a dream for a writer because the playing field is limitless.
Why are they especially difficult and/or exciting to write for?
They’re extremely fun to write for as they’re sophisticated enough to appreciate humor and intricate plotting, but still young enough to crave wacky and wild stories that don’t necessarily hew to reality. The only drawback to writing for this demo is that they’re difficult to reach. They’re not really finding their books through the internet or their parents. They’re hearing about books through friends and librarians. It’s a bit of a marketing conundrum.
They’re extremely fun to write for as they’re sophisticated enough to appreciate humor and intricate plotting, but still young enough to crave wacky and wild stories that don’t necessarily hew to reality. The only drawback to writing for this demo is that they’re difficult to reach. They’re not really finding their books through the internet or their parents. They’re hearing about books through friends and librarians. It’s a bit of a marketing conundrum.
Do you have kids? How old?
have three kids. A five year-old boy, a nine year-old boy and an eleven
year-old girl, who is my tween guinea pig (though not for long, which
is why my next book is an older Young Adult novel).
Do you read your critical reviews?
I read everything. Over and over again. I’m a bit of a glutton for punishment (see under "glass half empty").
How does one handle criticism well?
find a bottle of Chardonnay helps the criticism go down. There are
times when well-articulated critical reviews have helped me to improve
my writing, when at the end of the day, I’m grateful for the thoughtful
commentary. But then there are the other times (and I’m not mentioning
any names, New York Times) when the reviews are mean and nasty and not
constructive in any way.
What talent would you most like to have?
Jon Stewart’s brain. Is that a talent? If not, I’d just take his comedy chops.
Best remedy for writers block:
Virtual or actual shopping.
Your idea of perfect happiness:
Walking a major European capital with my hubby. Sorry, kids--I love you, but Paris is just more fun without you.
Where is your favorite place to write in New York?
my bed. But my back doctor tells me I’m slowly destroying my spine, so
I’m trying to stick with the desk and the ergonomic chair...but it’s
not nearly as fun.
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